How To Grow A Business Through A Pandemic

I have learned a lot in the few years of my entrepreneurship, but like many small businesses out there, I wasn’t expecting nor prepared for having to close my store front in such short notice. Unfortunately, Bitter Day Herbals store front didn’t survive during the shutdown, and so in order to save my business I had to look into other ways that committed to the financial success of my business. I have been lucky enough to meet many professionals in the marketing world and learn some of their top secrets in successfully launching and growing a business. This pandemic has shifted the way we, as entrepreneurs do things when it comes to reaching potential prospects, and unless you go get an MBA, it’s hard to figure out what tools are necessary in growing a successful business. I am here today to share with you some of those secrets I have learned that have helped Bitter Day Herbals stay afloat the rocky oceans of this pandemic. Continue reading…